商丘瑞恒建国饭店是委托北京首旅建国酒店管理公司全权管理的一家高端商务酒店, 位于享有“三商之源,华商之都”称号的河南省商丘市区,酒店配有温馨典雅的 143 间客房,附 3 间形式各异、视听设备先进的多功能会场,以及 700 平米的宴会厅,可以承接不同类型的会议活动。酒店 1/2 层是以四季为主题设计 22 个中餐包房,温婉禅意,贴近自然的氛围使客人体会“小桥流水、船渡人家”的江南意境。3 层 10 间商务格调的餐饮 VIP 包房,健身中心、大堂吧等高品质服务区域可满足不同需求的宾客。
All of the craftsmen's insistence, bigotry and strength, are from the craftsmanship. It is made bytime, and also presents works that live up to the time. With their own hands to create the inner feelings,they show the world and the future the craftsman spirit that they strive for perfection.
The hotel facilities are modern and beautiful.The style is refined and classic, and has the warmth of home, which you can fully enjoy the perfect service and feel the unique style of home experience. Blending Chinese poetry and western romance, it is delicate and elegant, and fully conveys the cultural characteristics of inclusiveness.